Results for 'Mila R. Ivanova'

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  1.  22
    Institutional investors as stewards of the corporation: Exploring the challenges to the monitoring hypothesis.Mila R. Ivanova - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):175-188.
    The study explores the challenges UK-based institutional investors face when trying to monitor investee companies and influence their social, environmental, and governance practices. Consistent with previous research, I find that misalignment of interests within the investment chain and dispersed ownership are factors which inhibit investor activism. However, other underexplored challenges include lack of investee company transparency and investor experience in activism, as well as low client demand for engagement and internal conflicts of interest. The results contribute to the literature on (...)
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    Filosofii︠a︡ kak vid dukhovnogo proizvodstva i potreblenii︠a︡.R. I. Ivanova - 2001 - Krasnoi︠a︡rsk: Sibirskiĭ gos. tekhnologicheskiĭ universitet.
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  3. Problemy semanticheskoĭ struktury i funkt︠s︡ionirovanii︠a︡ leksichesikh edinit︠s︡: na materiale romano-germanskikh i︠a︡zykov: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.R. V. Ivanova (ed.) - 1982 - Ivanovo: Ivanovskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  4. Realizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ metodologicheskoĭ funkt︠s︡ii filosofii v nauchnom poznanii i praktike.R. I. Ivanova, A. L. Simanov & Aleksei Trofimovich Moskalenko - 1984 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by A. L. Simanov & A. T. Moskalenko.
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    An action-specific effect on perception that avoids all pitfalls.Jessica K. Witt, Mila Sugovic, Nathan L. Tenhundfeld & Zachary R. King - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Ezik i poznanie.Aneta Karageorgieva, Dimitŭr Elchinov, Boi︠a︡n Vasilev & Mila Ganeva (eds.) - 2018 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Ontologichni situat︠s︡ii: sbornik dokladi ot konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ v chest na shestdesetgodishnii︠a︡ i︠u︡bileĭ na prof. Aleksandŭr Andonov.Veselin Khristov Dafov & T︠S︡vetelina Ivanova Racheva (eds.) - 2010 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Milas Bakır Madeni (1750-1816.İlhan EKİNCİ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):243-259.
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    Christian Marek – Emanuel Zingg, Die Versinschrift des Hyssaldomos und die Inschriften von Uzunyuva (Milas/mylasa), Bonn (Dr. Rudolf Habelt) 2018 (Asia Minor Studien 90), unter Mitarbeit von R. Barnea – M. Gander – B. Holler – U. Kunnert – J. Schröder, VIII, 290 S., 121 Abb., 14 Taf., ISBN 978-3-7749-4143-4 (geb.), € 85,–Die Versinschrift des Hyssaldomos und die Inschriften von Uzunyuva. [REVIEW]Gregor Staab - 2020 - Klio 102 (1):390-399.
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    Virtue Epistemology Naturalized: Bridges between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.Abrol Fairweather & Owen Flanagan (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Synthese Library.
    Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 1 Abrol Fairweather Part I Epistemic Virtue, Cognitive Science and Situationism The Function of Perception 13 Peter J Graham Metacognition and Intellectual Virtue 33 Christopher Lepock Daring to Believe: Metacognition, Epistemic Agency and Reflective Knowledge 49 Fernando Broncano Success, Minimal Agency and Epistemic Virtue 67 Carlos Montemayor Towards a Eudaimonistic Virtue Epistemology 83 Berit Brogaard Expanding the Situationist Challenge to Reliabilism About Inference 103 Mark Alfano Inferential Abilities and Common Epistemic Goods 123 (...)
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  11.  36
    Research approvals iceberg: how a ‘low-key’ study in England needed 89 professionals to approve it and how we can do better.Mila Petrova & Stephen Barclay - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):7.
    The red tape and delays around research ethics and governance approvals frequently frustrate researchers yet, as the lesser of two evils, are largely accepted as unavoidable. Here we quantify aspects of the research ethics and governance approvals for one interview- and questionnaire-based study conducted in England which used the National Health Service procedures and the electronic Integrated Research Application System. We demonstrate the enormous impact of existing approvals processes on costs of studies, including opportunity costs to focus on the substantive (...)
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  12.  68
    The Spanish Discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility.Natàlia Cantó-Milà & Josep M. Lozano - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):157 - 171.
    The discourse on CRS began late in Spain. Its permeation into political institutions also began later than in many Western countries. The Spanish government neither contributed nor reacted to the green paper Corporate social responsibility. A business contribution sustainable development, published by the European Commission in 2002. However, the publication of this document gave the definitive impulse for the start of the Spanish debate on CSR. After this initial impulse, the debate rapidly developed into a consolidated field of discourse. This (...)
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  13.  26
    Understanding facial impressions between and within identities.Mila Mileva, Andrew W. Young, Robin S. S. Kramer & A. Mike Burton - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):184-198.
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  14.  42
    Is it ethical to provide IVF add-ons when there is no evidence of a benefit if the patient requests it?Mila Stefanova Zemyarska - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):346-350.
    In vitro fertilisation (IVF) ‘add-ons’ are therapeutic or diagnostic tools developed in an endeavour to improve the success rate of infertility treatment. However, there is no conclusive evidence that these interventions are a beneficial or effective adjunct of assisted reproductive technologies. Additionally, IVF add-ons are often implemented in clinical practice before their safety can be thoroughly ascertained. Yet, patients continue to request and pay large sums for such additional IVF tools. Hence, this essay set out to examine if it is (...)
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    Nurses' Voices: policy, practice and ethics.Mila A. Aroskar, D. Gay Moldow & Charles M. Good - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (3):266-276.
    This article deals with nurses’ ethical concerns raised by the consequences of changes in governmental and institutional policies on nursing practice and patient care. The aims of this project were to explore perspectives of registered nurses who provide or manage direct patient care on policies that affect nursing and patient care, and to provide input to policy makers for the development of more patient-centred policies. Four focus groups were conducted with a total of 36 registered nurse participants. The project team (...)
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  16.  52
    Boon or Burden? The Role of Compositional Meaning in Figurative Language Processing and Acquisition.Mila Vulchanova, Evelyn Milburn, Valentin Vulchanov & Giosuè Baggio - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):359-387.
    We critically address current theories of figurative language, focusing on the role of literal or compositional meaning in the interpretation of non-literal expressions, including idioms and metaphors. Specifically, we formulate and discuss the processing hypothesis that compositional meaning may either facilitate or impede the recovery or construction of the intended figurative meaning depending on multiple factors, and in particular, on the expression’s decomposability and on the “strength” of semantic relations between the compositional and figurative meanings. As a case study, we (...)
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  17. Aesthetic values in science.Milena Ivanova - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (10):e12433.
    Scientists often use aesthetic values in the evaluation and choice of theories. Aesthetic values are not only regarded as leading to practically more useful theories but are often taken to stand in a special epistemic relation to the truth of a theory such that the aesthetic merit of a theory is evidence of its truth. This paper explores what aesthetic considerations influence scientists' reasoning, how such aesthetic values relate to the utility of a scientific theory, and how one can justify (...)
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    Editorial: The Notion of the Native Speaker Put to the Test: Recent Research Advances.Mila Vulchanova, Valentin Vulchanov, Antonella Sorace, Cristina Suarez-Gomez & Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:875740.
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  19. What is a Beautiful Experiment?Milena Ivanova - 2022 - Erkenntnis 88 (8):3419-3437.
    This article starts an engagement on the aesthetics of experiments and offers an account for analysing how aesthetics features in the design, evaluation and reception of experiments. I identify two dimensions of aesthetic evaluation of experiments: design and significance. When it comes to design, a number of qualities, such as simplicity, economy and aptness, are analysed and illustrated with the famous Meselson-Stahl experiment. Beautiful experiments are also regarded to make significant discoveries, but I argue against a narrow construal of experimental (...)
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  20.  23
    The Aesthetics of Scientific Experiments.Milena Ivanova & Alice Murphy (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The relationship between aesthetics and science has begun to generate substantial interest. However, for the most part, the focus has been on the beauty of theories, and other aspects of scientific practice have been neglected. This book offers a novel perspective on aesthetics in experimentation via ten original essays from an interdisciplinary group comprised of philosophers, historians of science and art, and artists. -/- The collection provides an analysis of the concept of beauty in the evaluation of experiments. What properties (...)
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  21.  62
    The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding.Milena Ivanova & Steven French (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume builds on two recent developments in philosophy on the relationship between art and science: the notion of representation and the role of values in theory choice and the development of scientific theories. Its aim is to address questions regarding scientific creativity and imagination, the status of scientific performances--such as thought experiments and visual aids--and the role of aesthetic considerations in the context of discovery and justification of scientific theories. Several contributions focus on the concept of beauty as employed (...)
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  22.  20
    A Systematic Review of Momentary Assessment Designs for Mood and Anxiety Symptoms.Mila Hall, Paloma V. Scherner, Yannic Kreidel & Julian A. Rubel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:642044.
    Background:Altering components of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) measures to better suit the purposes of individual studies is a common and oftentimes necessary step. Though the inherent flexibility in EMA has its benefits, no resource exists to provide an overview of the variability in how convergent constructs and symptoms have been assessed in the past. The present study fills that gap by examining EMA measurement design for mood and anxiety symptomatology.Methods:Various search engines were used to identify 234 relevant studies. Items administered, (...)
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  23. Pierre Duhem’s Good Sense as a guide to Theory Choice.Milena Ivanova - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (1):58-64.
    This paper examines Duhem’s concept of good sense as an attempt to support a non rule-governed account of rationality in theory choice. Faced with the underdetermination of theory by evidence thesis and the continuity thesis, Duhem tried to account for the ability of scientists to choose theories that continuously grow to a natural classification. I will examine the concept of good sense and the problems that stem from it. I will also present a recent attempt by David Stump to link (...)
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  24. The aesthetic value of scientific experiments.Milena Ivanova - 2023 - In Milena Ivanova & Alice Murphy, The Aesthetics of Scientific Experiments. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Can experiments be appreciated for their aesthetic value and what would this appreciation be focused on? This chapter identifies a number of categories that are the focus on our aesthetic appreciation of experiments and shows how these categories are rather stable across different experimental traditions. It is argued that we can find aesthetic value in the phenomena unveiled in the experimental set up, the instruments and tolls used, the results that are obtained, the process of conceptualisation of the experimental set (...)
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  25.  34
    Duhem and Holism.Milena Ivanova - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    The holistic thesis developed by Pierre Duhem challenges the idea that our evidence can conclusively falsify a theory. Given that no scientific theory is tested in isolation, a negative experiment can always be attributed to components other than the theory we test – to the auxiliary hypotheses and background assumptions. How do scientists decide whether the experimental result undermines the theory or points at an error in the underlying assumptions? Duhem argues that we cannot offer a rule that directs when (...)
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  26. Poincaré’s aesthetics of science.Milena Ivanova - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2581-2594.
    This paper offers a systematic analysis of Poincaré’s understanding of beauty in science. In particular, the paper examines the epistemic significance Poincaré attributes to aesthetic judgement by reconstructing and analysing his arguments on simplicity and unity in science. I offer a consistent reconstruction of Poincaré’s account and show that for Poincaré simplicity and unity are regulative principles, linked to the aim of science—that of achieving understanding of how phenomena relate. I show how Poincaré’s account of beauty in science can be (...)
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  27. Beauty, truth and understanding.Milena Ivanova - 2020 - In Milena Ivanova & Steven French, The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding. New York: Routledge.
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  28.  52
    The aesthetics of scientific experiments.Milena Ivanova - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (3):e12730.
    This article explores the aesthetic dimensions of scientific experimentation, addressing specifically how aesthetic features enter the construction, evaluation and reception of an experiment. I highlight the relationship between experiments and artistic acts in the early years of the Royal Society where experiments do not serve only epistemic aims but also aim to generate feelings of awe and pleasure. I turn to analysing which aspects of experiments are appreciated aesthetically, identifying several contenders, from the ability of an experiment to uncover nature’s (...)
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    Ethics Teaching in Nursing Schools.Mila Aroskar & Robert M. Veatch - 1977 - Hastings Center Report 7 (4):23-26.
  30. Conventionalism, structuralism and neo-Kantianism in Poincaré’s philosophy of science.Milena Ivanova - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):114-122.
    Poincaré is well known for his conventionalism and structuralism. However, the relationship between these two theses and their place in Poincaré׳s epistemology of science remain puzzling. In this paper I show the scope of Poincaré׳s conventionalism and its position in Poincaré׳s hierarchical approach to scientific theories. I argue that for Poincaré scientific knowledge is relational and made possible by synthetic a priori, empirical and conventional elements, which, however, are not chosen arbitrarily. By examining his geometric conventionalism, his hierarchical account of (...)
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  31. Aesthetic Values in Scientific Practice: Contemporary Debates.Milena Ivanova - manuscript
    Scientists often refer to their experiments, theories, images and instruments as beautiful and report that their scientific work is a source of aesthetic experiences. How do such aesthetic values affect scientific activities, and can aesthetic values play a cognitive role in science? In this chapter, I identify the different levels at which aesthetic values shape scientific products and processes, reflect on how philosophers have justified the cognitive role of such aesthetic values, and draw insights from recent discussions on the aesthetics (...)
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    Editorial: Language Development in the Digital Age.Mila Vulchanova, Giosuè Baggio, Angelo Cangelosi & Linda Smith - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    L'esperienza musicale e l'estetica.Massimo Mila - 1950 - [Torino]: G. Einaudi.
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    Beauty in experiment: A qualitative analysis of aesthetic experiences in scientific practice.Milena Ivanova, Bridget Ritz, Marcela Duque & Brandon Vaidyanathan - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):3-11.
  35. Conventionalism about what? Where Duhem and Poincaré part ways.Milena Ivanova - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54:80-89.
    This paper examines whether, and in what contexts, Duhem’s and Poincaré’s views can be regarded as conventionalist or structural realist. After analysing the three different contexts in which conventionalism is attributed to them – in the context of the aim of science, the underdetermination problem and the epistemological status of certain principles – I show that neither Duhem’s nor Poincaré’s arguments can be regarded as conventionalist. I argue that Duhem and Poincaré offer different solutions to the problem of theory choice, (...)
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  36.  73
    As naturalistic as it gets: subtitles in the English classroom in Norway.Mila Vulchanova, Lisa M. G. Aurstad, Ingrid E. N. Kvitnes & Hendrik Eshuis - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Pigeons for My Son.Mila Aguilar - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (1):215.
  38.  17
    Students’ interests in human health topics and environmental topics.Mila Bulić - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (1):145-167.
    Human health is inextricably linked to the state of the environment, making it important to find ways to raise children’s interests in the topics of human health and the environment in which they live. The Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda addressing quality education offers a guideline on how it is necessary to provide education for sustainable development directed to promoting sustainable lifestyles. The research results show that students show a greater interest in human health topics compared to environmental topics. (...)
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  39.  21
    Ethics in Nursing and Health Care Reform: Back to the Future?Mila Ann Aroskar - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (3):11-12.
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    Healthcare Organizations as Moral Communities.Mila Ann Aroskar - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (3):255-256.
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    Introduction: Fashion in Utopia, Utopia in Fashion.Mila Burcikova - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):381-397.
    In the famous account of his two-year experiment of a simple life away from the distractions of society, Walden, or Life in the Woods, Henry David Thoreau wrote that "a man who has at length found something to do will not need to get a new suit to do it in; for him the old will do, that has lain dusty in the garret for an indeterminate period."1 Since its first publication in 1854, Walden has had as many critics as (...)
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    Georg Simmel 2020 – Beyond the First Centenary of His Death.Natàlia Cantó-Milà - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):411-420.
    2018 marked the centenary of Georg Simmel’s death, coinciding with the publication of several monographs dealing with his oeuvre and legacy. The four monographs discussed here deal with Simmel from the perspective of scholars who have specialized in cultural and sociological theory and/or philosophy whilst addressing the intellectual and social challenges of our times. These problems, questions and even anxieties are beyond those Simmel ever knew or could have envisioned, despite his extraordinary capacity to detect tendencies and to analyse potentialities (...)
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    Weighted numbers.Mila Marinova, Marta Fedele & Bert Reynvoet - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Clarke and Beck discuss in their sections on congruency and confounds literature that has challenged the claim that the approximate number system represents numerical content. We argue that the propositions put forward by these studies aren't that far from the indirect model of number perception suggested by C&B.
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  44. Esteticheska kultura i trezvenost: [nauch.-popul. ocherk].Mila Miladinova - 1979 - Sofii︠a︡: Medit︠s︡ina i fizkultura.
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    Principios de estética o de teoría de lo bello.Manuel Milá Y. Fontanals - 2013 - Madrid: Editorial Verbum. Edited by Pedro Aullón de Haro.
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    Projektovanje i realizovanje naučnog istraživanja.Srđan Milašinović - 2016 - Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija. Edited by Saša Milojević.
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    The Benefits of Informed Non-Dissent when Families have Difficulty Making a Decision.Mila Nortje, Sajid Haque & Nico Nortje - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (4):94-95.
    Being a surrogate decision-maker is challenging for many people and having to decide to withdraw life sustaining therapies can be extremely difficult. Helping surrogates to refocus their decisions on informed non-dissent can greatly minimize unnecessary suffering for all involved. This case study describes how dignitary harm was minimized by using the concept of informed non-dissent.
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    Response to Correspondence from Kolstoe and colleagues concerning our paper entitled, Research approvals iceberg: How a ‘low-key’ study in England needed 89 professionals to approve it and how we can do better.Mila Petrova & Stephen Barclay - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-3.
    In their letter to the Editor in this issue, Kolstoe and Carpenter challenge a core aspect of our recently published case study of research approvals [BMC Medical Ethics 20:7] by arguing that we conflate research ethics with governance and funding processes. Amongst the key concerns of the authors are: 1) that our paper exemplifies a typical conflation of concepts such as governance, integrity and ethics, with significant consequences for claims around the responsibility and accountability of the organisations involved; 2) that, (...)
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    _Sêrat Bayanullah: A study of Raden Panji Natarata's thoughts on Javanese Sufism through classical Javanese literature_.Mila I. Rahmawati, Wakit A. Rais & Prasetyo A. W. Wibowo - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    This study describes Raden Panji Natarata's thoughts as a humanist, poet and religious scholar who thinks that the concepts of Javanese Sufism and Islamic Sufism are two contradictory ideas. Raden Panji Natarata describes his ideas through the medium of têmbang macapat (Javanese song) in a classic Javanese literature entitled Sêrat Bayanullah. Sêrat Bayanullah, which is used as a source of data for this research, is a collection of the Pura Mangkunegaran library, Surakarta, with catalogue number A-393. The scope of this (...)
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    Polit-Pop Sustainability: Policies, Businesses, and Media Heroes for a ‘Green’ Lifestyle.Mila Stancheva - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (3S):158-169.
    The paper presents some of the results of an ongoing anthropological study on the socialization of “green” and “sustainable” practices, both in business operations and in citizens’ daily lives. We shed light on controversial aspects of sustainability through presenting and analyzing examples of Bulgarian businesses and their leaders, including freelancers, all of whom explicitly link their work to sustainability. The article focuses on the role of consumption as the main channel for transmitting “green“ messages and policies, thereby altering individuals’ attitudes (...)
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